Yoga Nidra - Subtle Body Relaxation

deep relaxation divine yoga guided meditation spiritual practice yoga nidra yoga nidra deep relaxation yoga practice Feb 25, 2022

Yoga Nidra is a very soothing meditation technique that helps to reduce stress and anxiety by inducing deep relaxation.

If you want to experience inner peace and a sense of your liberated self, then Yoga Nidra can benefit you. This guided mediation can help you free yourself from your deepest fears and embrace inner harmony and peace instead.

Sometimes referred to as Yogic Sleep, Yoga Nidra can also benefit insomnia or disturbed sleep. It is a state of being asleep and remaining aware simultaneously. The subtle body, which includes the mind, emotions, intellect, ego and citta (subconscious mind), is surrendered whilst the physical body is deeply relaxed. This is quite a deep state of spiritual awareness. It encourages an awakening of the soul as an entity separate from the physical body that induces a life-affirming and strong vision of you as a spiritual being. This is bliss for your brain.

 In Swaraswati's book, Yoga Nidra, he describes the practice as:

"A systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. During the practice of Yoga Nidra, one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness."

As little as 20-30 minutes of practice creates a healing and regenerative state in your body and mind. One hour of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of four hours of deep sleep.

Let's practice:

Practice this Yoga Nidra meditation as often as you like. It is safe and healthful. You may want to include some light stretches or Yin Yoga postures before beginning.

You can practice any time of the day. In the morning to set your day right, in the afternoon to restore balance, or in the evening to release thoughts and reactions. Anytime really that works for you.


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