Why Organic?

garden May 28, 2019

Organic means food that is free from pesticides, chemicals, radiation, and GMO manipulation.

Chemicals such as fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides are widely used in conventional agriculture and residues remain on (and in) the food we eat.

By eating organic foods, you are minimising your risk for exposure to environmental toxins and serious health issues found in non-organic produce.

In addition, packaged organic food is often fresher because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer.

5 good reasons to eat organic:

1. Organic farming is much healthier for our eco-system. The chemicals being used in food today is not just damaging to the people who eat them, it is also damaging to our eco-system. Chemicals down our drains end up in the land and oceans, chemicals in the air go into our lungs and water supplies, and chemicals in the dirt damage and poison the microscopic insect communities. Consequentially affecting marine life, bird life, earth life and our whole natural way of living and creating, in a seriously toxic way.

2. Organic food is more nutritionally abundant for people and plants. Keeping our food as natural as possible, will also allow the nutrition from our food source to flourish. Crops grown in organic soil contain higher levels of nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Cultivating organic produce increases soil nutrient content and the soil becomes much more resistant to pathogenic invasion that can harm plant life. Healthy soil develops a powerful mycelial layer that works to detoxify the land from pesticides and chemicals.

3. Fewer Toxins Better Health. Eating clean also minimising your exposure to toxins. Toxins cause stress in the body, which eventually leads to disease. Many health professionals today bring sickness into just a few categories: toxicity, stress and inflammation. Toxicity causes inflammation, which then causes stress, and then around it goes. Stress causes toxicity which then creates inflammation. It’s a chronic loop of toxic-stress overload. My point is that toxins from our food, alongside the poor nutritional value of non-organic food, are major links within the loop of manifesting disease.

4. Nothing Bad Allowed! No more hormones, antibiotics and GMOs. Organic means all that bad stuff is non-existent. Australian Certified Organic regulations prohibit any genetically modified (GMO) ingredients in a certified organic product.

5. Tastes Natural and Better. The natural flavours in organic produce are most prominent and delicious when they are not tampered with. They have a finer quality, and these more intense flavours are believed to be from their higher level of anti-oxidants. Organic fruit and vegetables tend to grow more slowly and have lower water content, which also contributes to the fuller flavour we experience.

Processed foods can still be organic, and this does not necessarily mean that they are healthy for you. For example, organic seed oil that is processed using heat, may not have used any chemicals, but the heat process will have oxidised the sensitive polyunsaturated fatty acids in the oil and turned it toxic. Cane sugar can be organic, but it is still recognised in an unhealthy way, as sugar in the body.

I grow a lot of my own vegetables and at times they don’t look as great as the polished and perfect kinds found on the supermarket shelves (at times I say, mostly they look fantastic!). Even so, as the saying goes, ‘never judge a book by its cover’, the taste of fresh organic produce is always amazing!

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