Surya Namaskar Transformational Benefits

divine yoga hatha yoga morning routine practice sun salutations practice surya namaskar sun salutations sun salutations yoga surya namaskar benefits surya namaskar yoga yoga for beginners Mar 11, 2022

Surya Namaskar means to bow down to or salute to the sun. Surya means "the sun", and Namaskar refers to the act of paying namaste with folded hands.

Suya Namaskar is a dynamic sequence that loosens up, stretches, and tones all the joints and muscles in the body. Although it is a very deep warm-up routine, preparing the body for different asanas, it is also a complete sequence. 

It can also be a powerful intentional spiritual sadhana helping to loosen up the ego. One can visualise the rising sun during practice, its power and light and absorb this with gratitude.

As humans, we and the earth, our mother, are dependent on the sun for our life force. The sun is an integral part of the entire solar system. Its warmth and light symbolise love and enlightenment, which annihilates ego and ignorance. 

Symbolically saluting to the sun is a devotional practice, representing surrender of the self to the Supreme.

The sun is the life source for everything on this planet. In all that you eat, drink and breathe, there is an element of the sun. You will truly benefit from this process by learning how to better "digest" the sun, internalise it, and make it a part of your system.

Watch this Surya Namaskar flow with Gratitude Prayer. You can join in with me or bring your own prayers to your breath and movement flow.



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