Look Within and Illuminate Yourself with Guided Meditation

be conscious beginners meditation divine yoga guided meditation illuminate from within introspection self-awareness yoga you are divine Mar 22, 2023

I recently enjoyed a weekend of seclusion. A time of silence, introspection and sacred practices. A fast from the outer world of regular activity, work projects, socials and relationships. A time to commune with Nature.

I wanted to share this important lesson with you. Something that introspective silence can help to percolate. 

Be conscious of the words that you are saying about yourself.

Whether it be about the way you look, how much you weigh, the work that you do, your finances, what happened in the past, your age, the way you think, or how you relate with others.

What you say about yourself should always be in alignment with who you want to become. Doing this will change your life. Your inner conversation is the concept you create about yourself, it is not who you truly are. Those inner thoughts will, however, have a great impact on how you feel and who you become. 

Whether we know it or not, we are all on a spiritual path, the path of awakening to our true and divine nature.

Your true divine nature is innately grateful, wise, peaceful, calm, loving, joyful, and expansive beyond any limitation.

You were made perfect, your soul, your true nature is a perfect spark of the divine. 

Just as the rays of the sun illuminate the moon in the universal darkness, the rays of your soul can illuminate the darkness within your mind.

Become aware of your true illuminated soul nature, and let go of any self-debasing thought patterns that are keeping you trapped or contained in a conditioned or false concept of who you are.

Through introspection, meditation, affirmation, visualisation, mantra, and other techniques of Yoga (divine union), you can move your awareness toward your true nature and conquer the delusion of shadow, with the well-spring of divine wisdom and light that shines from within. 

With love,

Stay in the Meditation Vibration

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